Sunday, July 10, 2011


Finally It's done. After 35days, 137hrs of rush.

Work in progress :
WIP 1 of 2
WIP 2 of 2

Original kit (picture from instruction manual)

 Original kit (picture from instruction manual)

Thanks for viewing :)


  1. Whoa finish already XD

    Splendid work! you make the HGUC look like a MG >_<

    every details is just awesome! Love it!!

    great job!

  2. Whoa!

    Honestly it's slightly more subtle than i imagine it would be. However, i would prefer what i see here to what i imagine after viewing from your wip.

    The finishing is really top notch!!!!

  3. no words to describe it unless rude words!
    you made me wanna try to make 1 kshatriya too!

  4. This is simply brilliant. To take a huge MS like Kshatriya and give it an eve n stronger sense of presences without making it look clumsy and slow all with the addition of smartly placed panels and details like the opening funnel bay! Not to mention your style of detailing that makes the kit look clean and militaristic from afar but reveal a ton of details once someone look closely. This is a masterpiece!

  5. Amazing as always bro. Cant believe you did this so fast also. will i ever get this fast with kits? haha

    Awesome awesome.

  6. Another master piece from you! Thanks for sharing the stuff in the WIP. Learned alot!

  7. Tsukinari , Thanks again bro :)

    Address: , ha Ray is that u ??
    yup, agree it turn up subtle when i did 1st prime coat it, all the mod seem gone :P tks

    Yuen™ , i ll never do another kshatriya ! ha !

    David D. , wow bro thanks for the kind comments and help to explain the hidden detail works i put on haha ! really appreciated :D

    Kamm , u better give it up !! tks babe

    chubbybots, Tks & hope those WIP does help :P

  8. This look so nice, all the detail.
    And to think how quick you did this, it's simply amazing.

  9. Looks absolutely AMAZING! I can't believe how much better this looks than the original kit, very very good work!

  10. this is a masterpiece...
    an awesome work of yours,,

    the use of a pla plate really amazing here..

  11. Thanks Decay ;P

    korewagundam, thank you very much !!

    Mr.Anonymous , ur woah appreciated :D

    RIP666 , tks bro !!!


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