Sunday, December 6, 2009

BAKUC 2009 : Stardust Memory- Stipulation of Gerbera


BAKUC 2009 : 1/100 Dendrobium WIP

After the GP04G conversion, here's come the real headache of making the 1/100 Dendrobium as the diorama base. The biggest challenge will be the BAKUC competition size limitation(50x50x50cm). Well , pictures tell better story :P Complete WIP pics here : ...

MG Guntank WIP

PIC A1- wow wow wow !!!! PIC A2- my lovely bro !! u finally released !! muack muack !...

BAKUC 2009 : RX78-GP04G WIP

Stardust memory , my all time favorite gundam anime & mecha design. RX78-GP04G never appear in the anime. The back story , it was designed by AE but Federation realized it's too expensive to produce. Later, Delaz Fleet (created by Zeonic Company)approach AE, bought the design & revised to AGX-004 Gerbera Tetra, later destroyed by Dendrobium Orchis. It's my dream to scratch build a GP04G back 1999, and i did a 1/60 half way, due to further...

RX78-2 Mechanical Clear Version Part2

Mech Ver. RX78 - laugh me, huh.. let me call my taikor lai. Ah Kong - err.. wait.. joking only mah... Mech Ver. RX78 - Hallo, taikor , got ppl perli me no axxhole here , pls come now ... Ah Kong - err.. wait.. joking only mah... Clear ver1 RX78 - TA DANG !!...

RX78-2 Mechanical Clear Version Part1

just for fun.... color :- skeleton - 90% no.28 steel + 10% no.218 aluminium Inner frame - gloss coat hydraulic (inner rod)- SM01 superfine silver Hydraulic (outter) gold no brand core fighter blue - SM01 superfine silver as base , no.80 cobalt blue 80% covered(translucent effect. core fighter red - SM01 superfine silver as base , 90% no.79shine red+ 5% no.3 red + 5% GX1 cool white duct - no.4 yellow 50% cover (translucent effect) dun flame me why...

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