Wednesday, January 18, 2012


This is not a chicken wing ! ^^Always a setback when come to SB a curvature profile on Gunpla , thinking of how to ensure the parts accuracy when mirrored left-right or front-rear, especially a 3D curvature profile. So as for myself , pre-shape plaplate template as foundation still the best way for this matter. Some examples of curvature profile scratch building from 1/48 Sinanju head Display . A set of cut out 1mm plaplate . The small...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

WIP 1 :: 1/48 Sinanju Head Display

First build of 2012.This will my second attempt to work on Sinanju since a MG Sazabi converted Sinanju by scratch build back in 2008. The 1/100 Sinanju was the first back to scale modelling built after my 10years absent , hence there was so much flaw and inaccuracy. So it's like my second chance to make things right from previous mistake , but in 1/48 scale :PIt wouldn't be a full body scratch build but a bust with shoulder & down the waist...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


 My very 1st miniature painting in life :...

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