Monday, June 21, 2010

UCGH Hoverbike WIP2of3

Here's the relaxxxx update ....... Process of re-pose of the zeon army.. saw saw saw... ...

Friday, June 18, 2010

UCGH Hoverbike WIP1of3

Got sick of cutting/sanding/gluing plate for the FA MK2 , so it's time to have a small fun relax build (suggested by HowXMod -howardkhor), a diorama with this UC Hard Graph hoverbike :) As it shd be a relax build so without much thought , just do what ever come across my mind while looking at it. 1st ,Saw off the fake net area then place from behind with Finemolds hexagon metal mesh. ...

Friday, June 11, 2010


Day 22~45 of 45 TIME'S UP Really cant make it to the Mid Year challenge :P And so here's what i have done, still a lot more detailing to go...phew... ...

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