Monday, February 28, 2011

WIP1::1/20 Ma.K Gans

Recently poisoned by Ma.K virus from forum members, and so get myself a very 1st Ma.K kit and found out it was a really rare & discontinued kit :P
*The progress was 10days outdated and it's almost done by now .

No plan for any SB parts , just add on some tiny detail, mostly from Tamiya 1/35 US M1A2 Tank Abrams left over...
...Even the box art also poisonous....retro.. simple.... nice....

OK it's just a snapfitted kit  , but it looks so fresh so cool to me ... :D
Snapfit, quick sanding & remove seamline really a pain here.. compare to a recent MG gundam kit.

the most outrageous topnotch mod in this kit !!!!! 
replace the spring look alike plastic to a real metal spring .. 

Also sand off the mold-on nut bolt which is out of shape caused by tooling release direction & replace with kotobukiya's.
Stretch mark on the "napkin" armor plate due to some slight bending for better profile.

 Trying to have few areas with forged metal texture by putty+thinner with handbrush & toothbrush "poking" .. 


Try to learn weathering technique like salt wash for paint clipping on this project.
Base color 1 - red + black

base color 2 - dark brown

Hair spray+ salt on the drumstick to make it even tasty...

Airbrush the primary color and wash away the salt under running water & brush.

All parts apply the same salt technique

Decide to have a simple camouflage pattern on the head .
With Mr.hobby masking sol and salt again 

AB Grey

Launcher pack orange strip with masking  & salt technique

Primary color done , decal on & ready for enamel wash & weathering

Washed , weathered & flatten with matte coat
Launcher with dark grey as base
salt technique again ( sorry i dint get bored with the salt yet .. =D )  and top with white.
Decal, washed & flatten

i always think that weathering kit reserve a diorama to make thing seem right..
so i m planing to have a action dio for this chicken.
With Sellys All Fix  , to create the firing effect.

FIRE !!!

Further touch up & weathering effect applied.
Accumulated dust, dried mud effect with soft pastel (economical pigment powder .. haha)
Just scrub off with knife
Mixed with zippo lighter fluid .
Brush around corner .
Wipe off excess with lighter fluid dipped cotton buds..
Next WIP will be the groundworks...
Thanks for viewing :)


  1. salt? @.@
    wont melt when contact with the paint?

  2. yummy salt technique
    thanks for sharing!

  3. hi mr. lim~
    could you tell us why you always use dark red as your base color?


  4. Hi Wang ,
    That's for rust effect by paint chipping :)


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